Survey & Online Panel

survey is a research method used to gather information from a predefined group of respondents, it is often used to determine the thoughts, opinions, and feelings of the respondents regarding various topics, products and services

The customer’s perception is your reality’ by Kate Zabriskie

Online Panel

Online panel consists of certain number of registered users to whom according to their profile, surveys are sent in which they are asked for their opinions regarding various topics on regular basis in order to analyze trends and changes which helps in in-depth market analysis. A survey contains multiple set of questions includes profile questions, then once you complete your profile correctly it will show other open-ended questions regarding multiple brands, products and services, usability, frequency questions etc. 

Companies conduct surveys for various reasons. For example, to efficiently collect direct feedback, opinions and responses from the customers in order to improve different areas of their business. The positive and negative perceptions of the customers help to improve the marketing and sales efforts of the companies. Other reason is to figure out their target market by getting responses from consumers in real time. Or to test the viability of a new product or service.

Whoever understands the customer best, wins by Mike Gospe

“Eligibility means right survey for the right person” for example surveys regarding baby products would be particularly suited and eligible for parents with children aged between 0-5 years. Similarly surveys regarding women specific products would be eligible for women only because men would have no knowledge and interest in those surveys.

Users are those people who have personally experienced the particular product or service and

Non-Users are those who have not used or experienced that product or service so definitely the experienced will give the correct and meaningful feedback.